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Celebrating International Older People’s Day
Information & Advice

‘Helping to overcome loneliness and isolation in our community’

Come along and celebrate International Older People’s Day at our Health and Wellbeing Event.

Find out more about living safely and happily in Wallington, meet new people and find out about activities available to you locally.

International Older People's Day
Download Flyer

ADVICE from NHS Healthcare Professionals

ACTIVITIES Taster sessions including:

Chair Yoga, Exercise, Singing, Hand drumming

EXHIBITORS over 40 stalls with advice & information including:

Safer Sutton Partnership
Help Yourself to Health
Citizens Advice
Sutton Uplift
Carpenter & Co Solicitors
Volunteer Centre Sutton
Police Safer Neighbourhood Teams
Met Police Sutton

Sutton Carers
Stroke Association
Age UK Sutton
Sutton Talking Newspapers
NHS Exhibitors
National Tremor Society
Sutton Vision
Mobility Centre Wallington
Sutton Culture Services

Refreshments available during the day and a buffet lunch
Supported by Cllr Nali Patel, LB Sutton Older People’s Champion

Telephone: 020 8647 3000 / 07770 533000

“We are here to help you”